## version $VER: reqtoolsprefs.catalog 38.1 (1.2.96) ## codeset 0 ## language magyar tette: Kertai G ;************************** ; ReqTools Preferences ;************************** ; FOLD *** Misc *** MSG_WINDOW_TITLE ReqTools be ; ReqTools Preferences MSG_GENERAL ; General MSG_FILEREQUESTER ny-requester ; File Requester MSG_SIZE ret (l magass g %%-a) ; Size (% of visible height): MSG_SET ; Set... MSG_TEST ; Test... MSG_SAVE ; Save MSG_USE Haszn ; Use MSG_CANCEL Nem kell ; Cancel MSG_ABORT Hagyd abba ; Abort ; Note: there are two spaces around the Ok string to make it 4 chars wide. MSG_OK Rendben ; Ok ; * 2.7 * MSG_INFORMATION Information ; Information ; ENDF ; FOLD *** Menus *** MSG_PROJECT_MENU ; Project MSG_PROJECT_OPEN N\0Megnyit... ; O\0Open... MSG_PROJECT_SAVEAS ven ment... ; A\0Save As... MSG_PROJECT_ABOUT vjegy... ; ?\0About... MSG_PROJECT_QUIT K\0Kil ; Q\0Quit MSG_EDIT_MENU Szerkeszt ; Edit MSG_EDIT_RESET A\0Alap rtelmez ; D\0Reset To Defaults MSG_EDIT_LASTSAVED U\0Utolj ; L\0Last Saved MSG_EDIT_RESTORE E\0Eredeti ; R\0Restore MSG_OPTIONS_MENU ; Options MSG_OPTIONS_CREATEICONS I\0Ikonokat k ; I\0Create Icons? ; ENDF ; FOLD *** Switches *** MSG_POPSCREEN perny ; Pop screen to front MSG_IMMEDIATESORT Folytonos rendez ; Immediate sort MSG_DRAWERSFIRST kok el ; Display drawers first MSG_DRAWERSMIXED ny vegyesen ; Mix files and drawers MSG_LED Aktivit sjelz ; Disk activity LED MSG_DEFAULTFONT Rendszerfont ; Use system default font ; ** 2.3 ** MSG_FKEYS Funkci billenty ; Use function keys ; ** 2.5 ** MSG_DOWHEEL Color wheel ; ** 2.7 ** MSG_WHEEL_NONE No color wheel ; No color wheel MSG_WHEEL_SIMPLE Simple color wheel ; Simple color wheel MSG_WHEEL_FANCY Fancy color wheel ; Fancy color wheel ; ENDF ; FOLD *** Requester Type *** MSG_REQUESTER rtelmez ; Defaults for MSG_FILEREQ ny-requester ; File Requester MSG_FONTREQ Font-requester ; Font Requester MSG_PALETTEREQ Paletta-requester ; Palette Requester MSG_SCRMODEREQ perny d-requester ; Screen Mode Requester MSG_VOLUMEREQ g-requester ; Volume Requester MSG_OTHERREQ b requesterek ; Other Requesters ; ENDF ; FOLD *** Position *** MSG_POSITION ; Position: MSG_POINTER rmutat ; Mouse pointer MSG_CENTERWIN Ablakban k ; Center in window MSG_CENTERSCR perny ; Center on screen MSG_TOPLEFTWIN Ablakban bal fel ; Top left of window MSG_TOPLEFTSCR perny n bal fel ; Top left of screen MSG_OFFSET ; Offset: ; ENDF ; FOLD *** Entries *** MSG_NR_OF_ENTRIES bejegyz sek sz ; Number of visible entries: MSG_MIN Legal ; Minimum MSG_MAX Legfeljebb ; Maximum ; ENDF ; FOLD *** Errors *** MSG_YOU_NEED_REQTOOLS38 Legal bb 38-as reqtools.library sz ; You need reqtools.library V38+! MSG_WRONG_REQTOOLS_VERSION A reqtools.library jelenleg telep tett\n\ ltozata nem haszn lja a be sokat! ; The version of reqtools.library you have\ndoes not support preferences! MSG_ALL_PREFS_NOT_SUPPORTED FIGYELEM: A be sszerkeszt ezen verzi ja\n\ nem ismeri a reqtools.library jelenleg telep tett\n\ ltozat sszes lehet ; WARNING: This version of the preference editor\ndoesn't support all the preferences of the\nreqtools.library you've got installed! MSG_NO_WB_LIB Nem siker lt megnyitnom a workbench.libraryt! ; Couldn't open workbench.library! MSG_NO_UTILITY_LIB Nem siker lt megnyitnom a utility.libraryt! ; Couldn't open utility.library! MSG_NO_ICON_LIB Nem siker lt megnyitnom az icon.libraryt! ; Couldn't open icon.library! MSG_COULDNT_LOCK_PUBSCREEN Nem tudom haszn lni a publikus k perny ; Couldn't lock public screen! MSG_ERROR_GETSCREENDRAWINFO Nem siker lt megszereznem a 'draw info'-t! ; Error getting draw info! MSG_ERROR_GETVISUALINFO Nem siker lt megszereznem a 'visual info'-t! ; Error getting visual info! MSG_COULDNT_OPEN_WINDOW Nem siker lt megnyitni az ablakot! ; Couldn't open window! MSG_ERROR_ACCESSING_FILE Hiba a(z) '%s' nnyal,\n\ ; Error accessing file\n%s,\n%s MSG_READ_ERROR Olvas si hiba! ; Read error! MSG_ERROR_SAVING_PREFS Hiba a be sok ment zben! ; Error saving preferences! ; * 2.7 * MSG_ERROR_ARGS Argument error ; Argument error MSG_ERROR_LIBRARY Couldn't open %s\n\ version %ld or higher! ; Couldn't open %s\n\ ; version %ld or higher! MSG_ERROR_MENUS Couldn't create menus! ; Couldn't create menus! ; ENDF